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What fish?
I am fish. Full name Fish Turtle. I absolutely adore turtles. And fish Turtles are such cute little things! Well, only baby turtles.
The meatpie fish! What meatpie fish?
Fellow fish.
Audrey Bao Qi Cheng Yin Ci Fang Dorothy Jean Jeannette Joanne Kaiying Khar Loo Li Ting Maureen May Qing Yun Renee Rou Hui Shi Wen Valerie Wilson Ying Xieng Yip Yong Zhi Zijia
May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012
Friday, August 31, 2007
All day staring at the ceiling Making friends with shadows on my wall All night hearing voices telling me That I should get some sleep Because tomorrow might be good for something Hold on Feeling like Im headed for a breakdown And I dont know why [chorus] But Im not crazy, Im just a little unwell I know right now you cant tell But stay awhile and maybe then youll see A different side of me Im not crazy, Im just a little impaired I know right now you dont care But soon enough youre gonna think of me And how I used to be...me Im talking to myself in public Dodging glances on the train And I know, I know theyve all been talking about me I can hear them whisper And it makes me think there must be something wrong with me Out of all the hours thinking Somehow Ive lost my mind [chorus] But Im not crazy, Im just a little unwell I know right now you cant tell But stay awhile and maybe then youll see A different side of me Im not crazy, Im just a little impaired I know right now you dont care But soon enough youre gonna think of me And how I used to be Ive been talking in my sleep Pretty soon theyll come to get me Yeah, theyre taking me away [chorus] But Im not crazy, Im just a little unwell I know right now you cant tell But stay awhile and maybe then youll see A different side of me Im not crazy, Im just a little impaired I know right now you dont care But soon enough youre gonna think of me And how I used to be Yeah, how I used to be How I used to be Well, Im just a little unwell How I used to be How I used to be Im just a little unwell I know this song been around since eons ago...bt i suddenly feel for this song. if u noe wad i mean. ha.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mao's cupcakes
I am sick. I shldnt havta study now~~~~~~argh!!!!!
and damn photobucket.....(sorry. in a grumpy mood) maintenance svc of all times. sighs. posting my one foto taken todae. Presenting Mr Mao's cupcakes: =) thank you mr mao!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Best Friends
天很黑,乌云沉重地悬挂在天空中,好象随时会坠下来砸在屋顶上。 平时象棉花糖的白云脸色突然变那么黑,还蛮可怕的。 上了一天课,我、大奶彬和惠玲决定奖励自己,一起去看一部电影。 看完电影,我们到一家快餐店吃晚餐。 彬:“喂,你的新手机好用吗?” 芬:“很好!我最喜欢他的相机功能!拍的照片很清楚!还有还有,手机可以用来听歌和电台,我每次搭巴士地铁都会听。” 彬:“哈哈。看你说得那么兴奋,真的很喜欢这台手机hor。” 芬:“当然啦!是你们送的礼物咧。谢谢你们。不过,还是很惭愧。你们一定花了很多钱。”彬:“不会啦!我们这么多人,平分到来一个人不过50多块而已。” 玲:“对啊。有我、勇达、惠彬、天才庆、志聪…” 惠玲一提到志聪的名字,大奶彬就用力在她的大腿上拍了一下,很明显是在阻止惠玲继续说下去。 芬:“志聪也有份?为什么卡片上没有他的名字?” 彬:“哦…这个…嗯…哎呀。既然你知道了,就不要在隐瞒了啦。志聪说,怕你如果知道礼物他也有份,你会生气。” 志聪。这个名字已经有好一段时间没有浮现在我脑海里。 现在又突然听见,感觉既陌生又熟悉。想起上星期三对他说出非常伤人的话,很内疚。那天之后,他没有再和我联络,我也很自私地刻意让自己忘记我犯下的错,忘记志聪的存在。我想,我们都在尽量避开彼此吧。 可是,大头芬,你怎么可以这样残忍呢?说了伤人的话,连一声道歉也没有?! 晚上,回到宿舍,我花了半个小时编写一则简讯:“志聪,那天说了一些让你伤心的话,真的很对不起。谢谢你和大伙送给我的生日礼物。我非常喜欢。希望很快可以和你见面或聊天。” 传出去后,等了几分钟,收到了回复。 志聪:“知道你喜欢那份礼物,很开心。之前的不愉快,过去就算了。无论发生什么事,你永远都是我很重视的好朋友。” -source:datoufen.blogspot.com
Whats the point?
Whats the point of studying and writing notes...when i cant even rmb aniting?????sian~~~hungry...
life sucks.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Singaporean in Me.
This post is one of my longest posts ever, and none of the content is to be assessed academically. =) So dun expect topic sentences or linkages. =) And it is super long. so i wun blame you if you give up halfway. HA!
Ytd lecture was and is still one of the most impactful lecture that SOT ever gave, or anyone ever gave me for that matter. Probably beacause it was about the Singaporean identity, relevant(or irrelevant, since we are so politically apathetic). It was, to quote and unquote Valerie, self-realization, and led to a deeper understanding of the Singaporean in Singaporeans. One of the things i remembered, was the Train. The trains just kept coming on, one following another while passengers on board or off-board tries to keep up. Passengers friends with each other, akin and mirror our classmates who our friends, tries to comfort each other while looking over their shoulders for the next train(got the expression when Tong looked over hos shoulder for the imaginary non-existent train). We would say:"Don't be sad.""Don't be angry." "Don't be depressed." All non-sensical stuff and attempts to comfort, while anxiously awaiting the next train. But what we really are doing, is to create more oppression and supression for our friends whom we are trying to comfort. Tong told us the annecdote of one of his students, who used to tear in front of her friends, but gradually stopped when prelims are arriving, in order not to affect them. Classic case of self-sacrificial martyrdom. On a side-note, she went home and cry to herself. I wonder how many of you actually cry to yourselves, not to others. I'd wager, most of you. I know, because I do. Really think joanne is doing the right thing by complaining and confiding in others, because this way she relieves her stress. =D I really hope that Tong had advised his student to confide more in her friends, tell them the problem. I believe that it would be a good therapy for her, because talking, whether you believe it or not. I don't confide, sadly, and never learnt how to. I do, from time to time, confide my small fears and insecurities, to a few of my closest friends(sometimes directly, sometimes so subtly they dont realise it), and i have derived a small measure of peace. But back to the girl. Some might protest, if the girl confides in her friends, she was going to drag them down for prelims. Every min she spent confiding, it would mean that her friends would have one less min to revise. We all know how valuable a min is, how long(or how short) tt one min is, depending on your context. Yet, have anyone consider, how much that time spent on comforting and listening, i mean really listening and comforting your friend, you would oso achieve a real sense of friendship. A link. A bond. Most people don't realise it, but a real relationship between people is really one of the greatest feeling and joy(and peace) that anyone could achieve. No man is one-man island-we all need company. Humans are made to live together, in packs. Not apart, but A part. I don't have many close friends, having drifted rather aimlessly during my frist 2 years in sec1 and 2. Yet it made realise, when i entered sec 3 and 4, how much difference friends would make. I was Public Enemy No.1 in sec 1 and 2, but when Fate decreed that I shall be put amongst fellows of other classes and not be given biology and the class where most of my ex-classmates were going to, I was given a new chance, and yes, i found some sort of equilibrium. I had troubles still, but i am glad that they gave me a chance to be a real friend to them again. *here i would like to thank Mau<3<3<3, esp to Ching, rou fang and yes, pris too. So back to time spent on friendships. Tong told us about a guy(no names!), X,who went ard helping ppl, doing more than his fair share of work. Contrast him to another girl, who was always going around, raiding others' bags for information and see what they were doing(as 'raiding' suggest, she didn't have permission). The results:Band 1 for the girl, Band 3 for X. Tong recalled how, when he went to the class, they were in uproar, flinging chairs and swearing vulgarities. All for injustice for X. Recognizing that he could not teach, Tong went to X, askign him what grade he had. X replied Band 3. The Paper did write 3 after all. "No. Class, what should X get?"Tong asked again. "Band 1!" was the uniform chorus, the strong outcry. So he asked X again, what he got. Tha ans was Band 3. So he asked the class again. The class soon caught on and kept insisting X had gotten a Band 1. Finally, X said Band 1. Flatly, then refuse to say anymore. My point of this story(I don't know about Tong. Think it was on boxes and labels, buti shall sort of link them.) was on friends therapy. I can tell you, having not so many close friends myself, being confided in, is a great hounour and sign that someone trusted you. Trusted you enough that they would tell you, admit and confess to you, what their troubles were. I am not saying that you should listen to others, to feel good about yourself. There is nothing to feel good about when your friend was in trouble. All I am saying, this can lead to a positive reflection and realization of your self, and a confidence boost for you. In helping others, you help yourself grow. So who say helping others would drag yourself down? I really think that is what true friendships should be about. Seeing your friend fall out of the train, getting off the train to help them, but NOT looking over your shoulder for the next train, until your friend is fit enough to travel again on the train, without getting some sort of motion sickness. Tong also told us about boxes and labels, a crisis that youths in Singapore face. We are always necessarily categorizing our steps, making boxes and labels, jumping with trpidation and fear into them, with a 'die-die must succeed' attitude. Thinking that if we couldnt make it to the next box, we would fall forever into the dark abyss without hope of ever making it into the next box. We are so very obssessed by making it, like in the story of X, who was so focused on the toilet paper (I wish Tong could have videoed it down, so that he can show it to X when he was older and more mature to realise how much value that paper should actually have), that we forgot there are other boxes too.Other boxes with labels of success. There was another humbling yet inspiring story of a young man who tried retaking his As, i think 2 or 3 times. 3 i think. He didn't make it the first time, not the second time while he was in the army, and not the 3rd time, while he spent mornings on tuition and work, and nights at Tong's house studying till 4am. Wiping away his tears rather impatiently and also indifferently. He failed time and time again, when he finally resigned himself to failing and signed on the army. What have these boxes and labels done to us? Efforts to demolish ranking status, abolish systems of streaming, all great ideas, but none actually working. RJ, VJ, HCI, TJ, AJ, all will always remain top and represent the ultimum, while SR YJ always will remain bottom. (forgive my freedom of speech here.) NY? Some never even heard of this JC. Tong told us about his young life as a teenager, when he was retained and retained, even in uni(to quote him"You don;t get retained in U. Only losers get retained in U"). Unfortunately for him, his sister was a pedigree type, RGS, some Cambridge or Oxford or some big-shot graduate, now Director of Ministry of Health or sth, but you get the idea, the contrast.During social functions, his sister would always be introduced first, about all her qualifications, and when it finally came to him, his father would say: This is my son. He is tall. Then they would compare heights and see who was taller. I didn't think it was funny, although i laugh, if not to laugh with them only. I don't know if Tong had minded when he recounted it. He probably won't having seen more of life and able to shrug it off, even laugh alogn as just another facet of life. But to me, it would have taken a great deal to admit that all i had going for me was my height. It's the sae situatio you have, when admitting you are not equal to others. Inferior. Esp when you are of the same bloodline and differences are so vast. Applause for Tong here, people. *CALP CLAP CLAP CLAP! =D I am guilty of boxing and labelling myself, still am. I am desperately afraid of failing the As, and would be tragically sad, heartbroken,dejected,desolate and despondent. Such simple adjectives. Means anything to you? I sat in the lecture, wondering: What is the point of saying all these, recognizing what and how Singapore's system is like, yet helpless to do anything much. Because tomorrow, I would wake up, struggling like mad to cram facts in unsuccessfully, going through all the shit stuff, all the while recognizing that boxes and labels are there because I willed them into existence, are there for me to break. But no instructions coming along with it. It eluded us then, but that's no matter-to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther....And one fine morning--- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. Congratualations to have come so far. I doubt that you would have read so long. =P
Eureka-the class i will always be proud of
suddenly while i was bathing juz now...i had a sudden tot to dedicate an entry for eureka. =) hehehehe....
What i generally miss =D Noise must come first of coz. hahahahaha! whats four E without some noise?! =))) hehehehe~~~~ i miss e background noise with everyone toking at the same time together wif the teacher =DD it was REALI irritating...esp when u are trying to complete assignments, esp SEATWORK..bt i will go to tt ltr......bt then~~~ OUR NOISE IS OUR MUSIC! I miss all our teachers....song,TLC,ms oh,ms heng,mok,rahim,kang!!!!did i missed out anione?? haha......song would give us SEATWORK ....which was maths on the spot work. -_-''''' generally slacking time except for a few of us....dying to complete n hand in first....also his 'FOUR E!' when he finally couldnt take it. ha. so nice of him to invite us to his wedding n house...chloe. his second child is wad gender ar?! i miss mr tan's random ghost stories, n he would always turn off e light...hahahaha! bt we made him real angry till he walked out of e class...=( not a gd memory, bt shows he's one of our best teachers! ms oh was erm...experiencing quite alot of moodswings and stress wif us...bt stil a gd physics teacher to us....willing to give saturday class n consultation~~heard she gt bf now~~hheeee.... ms heng taught us onli one year(some of us for 3 years), bt then class was fun and we always make fun of her! bt yar.......ms heng was nice =) tink she now at anderson rite?? mok. awwww~~~~sacastic mok. who can forget him. always making us type out our essays so tt his eyesight wont spoil. ha! wah sae!!! tink everyone agree tt e most memorable episode wif him was when everyone wanted to run from his lesson! wah~~~~first n i tink last time i would hear an english teacher scream BLOODY HELL! for everyone including raja in e opposite block! *grins heard from 4H they gt a shock...hahaha! bt mok was undeniably gd. =D rahim. keeps breaking voice!!!!!!!!! =) hahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!! so funny!!!!!!!!! rmb his bob the builder pencil box?! omg. firts time a grown man take ob e builder pencil box to school! kang. our mother!!!!!!! loving n always patient wif us.......nvr losing her temper...........at most keep quiet n wait for us. one time nearly lost it though. geog was made fun by her! =DDDD i dun noe if i miss out anione.. probably chinese la...bt then gt 2..xiao li zi....n ......forgt her name. ha.xiao li zi was gd....boisterous n always whacking her students on the back =) ha. painful i tell u. being togther was real family time. even if everyone stil gt certain cliques...bt then........we stil love each other n anione from ani clique can get together n just sit down n tok!!!!!!!! =) reali lurve those days!!!! special dedication to everyone: *not in ani particular order........juz whoever i tink of first~~ 1.Maureen:GT MISS YOU!!!!!!! hiaks! the class 24 xiao. =)))))))))))))))) veri long nvr see her liao......sniff~~~~~~must go out after As!!!! <3 2.Tay cheng yin:haiz. dun worry peeps. she's stil as childish as ever....stil wa wa face!!! =D oh~~nid to go running liao =/ 3.Rou:tink e biggest baby in class. ha. cheerful n our nurse. currently studying nursing. =) 4.Fang:involved wif her baby.ha.......miss our mugging sessions at Rm 5.Pris:haiz. so paiseh to her...always ps her last min...always sae wan go shopping, bt then sae so long...from last year til now stil onli one session.... 6.Yanlin:DIAM LA!! QI LI!!!!!!! hahaha!!!! your voice horx...stil ringing in my ears after so long! 7.Huixian aka xiao bai:haiyo~~~~tuition wif u sia....stil dun noe how i ended up wif u. hahahahhahaa!!!!! =p 8.Ying Xieng:4e superstar! lets go K-Box someday! =) 9.Yee yan:haiz! stil as childish i bet! although veri long nvr tok to u or see u le...miss me rite?!?!!?! bleax! 10.Melody:our huang shang~~~always dun rmb me as ba gege. sniff. no place in her palace. sniff. hehehe...must go out soon wif mau oso!!!! =) 11.Kenneth:my crapping n lobstering partner. chionging maths was real fun n gd....everydae laugh til stomach ache de....fun n carefree laughter..so long le ~~~~ 12.Rivian:my sister. haha. stop saying i gt affair wif him la.......haiyo.......n e guys beta stop bullying him ar!! =) 13.Lionel:XIAO DI! i miss gg to yr hse!!!! gg online...eating chocolates...revising A maths...bt generally doing nth much...hahaha! been a long while since everyone in the group gather together~~~ 14.Xiang yu:wah...top student ar?! haha...sci pro la.......rmb u as lamer n always choinging maple wif yew hong after sch. haiyo! hope u doing well! =) 15.Yew Hong:u ar...sit beside you......when kwang wei nt ard la......hahaha...dun noe to describe la.....kena caught by u one time wif chen long..haha...so suay! =p 16.Wilson:hello~~stil as skinny as always huh....pls STOP SMOKING!!!!!!!!!! >/ 17.Shi Wen:hahaha. wads so memorable? PIZZA HUT!!!!!! 18.Weiyan:wah.......eng oso powderful de......=) hahaha......like playing merry go round...take turns ar~~~ =D 19.Lilin:hello!!!! pls advise yr frien to stop smoking ar.......smack his hand! 20.Michael:nvr reali tok to u ar....always disappear dunnoe where de.haha.bt hope u n jiaqi stil happy together! =) 21.Zhi Peng:hey~~~~will always treasure e test-tube u gave me for being my Valentine!! u better have still rmb it! although it was late!!! =P 22.Qiwen:i noe i noe...muz go BBQ soon~~if nt eureka diasppear liao.. 23.Kwang wei:Partner forever. what mroe can i sae. hahaha!!! 24.Nizar:nth to sae to u SIA. haha. hanahana. handsome la handsome la. -_-'' 25.Qingyun:unforgettable n loud HAHA. wah lau. laugh like pronouncing words de sia! hahahahaha! 26.Xue'er:sexy n slim. i dun wan tok to u liao la! =)))))) bt i love yr hair....e one u cut like time at the BBQ......tink i said it look like stingray. DAMN COOL. 27.Jie Hao:call u jiao better la...sounds so strange.....n pls stop calling me wang tistis! thanks ar! 28.Sze Yee:e onli white rival i have...bt then i lose la....yr sirname oso BAI sia! hahaha! jiayou for As.....dun see u so much animore~~ 29.Poh Boon:i am nt lao wang okay! wah lau...everytime see me oso lao wang de...haiz......=) thanks for yr panda though! =) 30.Han Wei:wah lau...suay lae~~~~known u since p6. haiz........at least nt calling me bear bear liao! humph! 31.Izzat:BOMBAD! hahaha~~tt is all i noe of u..ha. =) 32.Eileen Goh:haiyo....loud n noisy! stil nt yet change! tsk tsk! =) being wif jason made u more feminine though! heeeeeeeee!!!!!!! dun whack me ar! 33.Kailing:Vice-chairman. hahaha......short bt generally effective....must organise BBQ ar!!!!!! no slacking! =) 34.Lam:hey..hope u doing okay gal! =) cheers n stay sweet n pretty~~~~ =D 35.Ethel:wah lau~~last time saw u on bus wif bombad ar! haiya! dating ar?! 36.Hansen:always sleeping! haiz. haha. bt yr tiger hair looks cool~~ 37.Nurul:hello. u stil owe me class fotos!!!!!! i NID THEM!!! =)))) next time ar! 38.Jacyln:hello........where have u been??? AWOL? 39.Si Bei:hello! remain sweet always! 40.Yong Cheng:YC! i stil dun noe why they call u assassin. ha! 41.Bazhang:nvr tok to u de lae.....=/ 42. Zimin:oso nvr tok much lae...bt then if u stil interested in my xiao di...=) know what? i counted everyone...bt nvr count myself....til mau tell me. wah lau! STUPID! bt bottom line~~~i miss EUREKA! =DDD
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Valerie's Good Deed =)
okay. here's a tribute to valerie ong, who contribute ard 4 hrs of her time to do up e volcanoes notes.
hehe...poor girl had been working hard in e com lab....during the break.....to summarize e whole package. =) me n ah khar(i represent ah khar) salute her!!!! =))))) THANK YOU! =D
Valerie the brave brave girl.
i am now in the lib.......
initially mugging then now relaxing... coz i finished plate tect then i nvr bring extra notes... so now let me tell u abt: The Story of Valerie And Uncle Muthu Once a upon a time, a group of young girls who had their tuition cancelled at last min due to power failure(?!), decided to have their dinner at a nearby kopitiam since it was late n they were hungry. All of them decided to have sin chow food, except Valerie, who decided to have soem prata instead. When her 2 mushroom pratas arrived, she digged in happily and was shocked to dicover cashew nuts in her pratas! Instead of mushrooms, the uncle had decided to substitute mushrooms for cashew nuts as the nuts had run out. What a mean trick! In the end, being unhappy with the service and the obvious cheating by the uncle and his woman(who acted as a translator), she decided to confront the uncle. Taking a camera with her for theatening purpose, she went up to the stall, with Tiying following behind. "Muthu! Come!"(actually she said uncle, but for drama sake, we shall call him Muthu here. The uncle made a hold-on motion and stalled for a little time. "Muthu, I'm very unhappy ar. I ordered mushroom prata but you gave me nuts ar. Mushrooms not equal nuts. Can you give me $3 back?" demanded Valerie. "Tomorrow you come, I give you mushroom pratas."the uncle bargained, still reluctant to give up the $3. "No. I want the $3." Obviously she was not one to give in. Hence the uncle had no choice but to surrender the $3, with Tiying laughing helplessly at the side. The End
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
stuck wif maths
so tired...... so i decided to have an early ponning session..... brought forward from fri. ha. bt then tink i gg rest of e wk liao...haiz. unfortunately. i am stil stuck at hme studying maths. sian!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My race and My self
i am so swamped wif hw...i feel like i am running a race, which i am.....bt then wad i meant was in e literal sense...... =/ not literally, bt comparing wif e literal race.
okay. nvm. due to stress....been saeing some paradoxical thingie. dun mind me. bt i feel like i am an illusion of myself. where is my self? used to be so carefree...happy...heck care wad others think of me n do it my way, my life is whom i nid to ans to. bt now.............trails off *okay. one thing tt nvr changed..i am stil aas dramatic as ever. ha.* Another thing i was reflecting abt.... bt i dun wanna sae here...hee...too private. just tt i came up wif a new thought of e dae: Everyday i go to sleep thinking tomorrow would be a brand new day. Everynight i think tomorrow the brand new day would finally arrive.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
school dread
i feel so tired...........
din wanna wake up today........ so nice to sleep in............. i wish school nvr existed in history. or mayb it existed in history onli. =/
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
i noe i shldnt be online now....bt i cant help wanting to slack. ha.
so many things tt i wanna sae....bt its kind of hard to articulate them.....externalise them. internalising them is so much easier. it feels like there's alot of things undigested in my stomach.....e feeling is so horrible........... =( i tink its impt to reserve judgements......even though reali there are many facts pointing towards a certain point. becoz i have been thru misunderstandings in friendships, and many things may not be wad u see on e surface. suddenly i am reminded of Murder in the Cathedral. Thomas Becket's tomb was not reali respected and his sacrifice, abeit abit uncalled for, was futile. bt the point is that tourists holding guidebooks visited his grave out of curiosity and k-pohness...not out of genuine awe or sadness or even for insights and enlightenent. its reali is sad, e superficiality. Superficiality. things we took for granted, things we overlooked (be it fault of our own or otherwise), it all affects the accuracy of our judgements. Again, i am reminded of nandwani's strange depicts on the issue of judgements. e picture abt some person chasing another, and how it wasnt enuf to just sae tt e chaser was good or bad, becoz we just dun have enuf info. dun have enuf info on e intentions and e whole picture. this is exactly wad i wanna sae here. we cannt just look at one picture and judge. it doesnt matter even if u keep observing the picture. u might tink tt by observing long enuf, u can get e whole picture. i dun tink so. i tink u nid not onli to look long, but also u nid to observe wad kind of feelings lie underneath. becoz humans tend to misinterpret. so u reali havta look beyond. ask yeself wad reali is gg on. r u influenced by sth??? so yar........reali....becraeful wif yr judgements. wad may seem gd may not reali. tink i am in one of my emo moods.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Happy Tree Friends
hahaha.....today is post national day......
dun feel like starting hw lae....hee...... so i decided to watch Happy Tree Friends!!!! =) hehe....gt hooked on e game.....=) yea..there are games for HTF... ha...... damn fun...esp Spin Fun! =) go try! =) *dl at ipmart-forum.com enjoy! And happy post national day! =)
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Video postings
i dun noe how to upload videos.......=/ someone teach me??=)
Ponned class
argh.....feeling dizzy....must be the weather....
ponned gp n geo lect...cannt take it liao....haiz..... tink gp todae damn empty liao. coz almost 1/3 nvr go. ha. ah khar n serene's been sick on n off liao..........pls take gd care of yrselves.get well soon n drink more water! =)
Sunday, August 05, 2007
officially crazy. MY YEYE
boooooooooooo hhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo i tink i am officially crazy. wah piang........damn stressed out now....to much geo info liao... dying under info overload. wad abt u? =/ me went to see my yeye in hospital.........................haiz..........................tink he reali mellowed out n also have a positive change in his attitude...more cheerful...bt stil at times veri agitated...=) wish my yeye wellllllll.......=))))))
Friday, August 03, 2007
On having sex and work.
yea. caught yr attention dint i...haha...
(yar...u noe...e MIN u stop pretending....okay. nandwani joke. nvm if ppl outside nanyang dun get it.) yar. was reading a blog by one ny J1 gal.....she had sex wif her bf.......hmm.......i agree tt sex is 'for mere entertainment' bt i oso agree that ' sex should be between wif n husband'....(well...to quote from 2 blogs....nt exactly in exact words...). this coming from a person who, accordin gto PAUCHI, reads sexy porn bks. ha. bt yar........ okay nvm. juz being random n dun reali have much else to sae liao. hee...... second...i feel like i am being swamped by work sia. theres so much hw surging ard us......we dun reali have time to study.haiz. its an irony lor......teachers want us to work........for our study...bt we are nt reali studyiong as we have no time. faint. it feels as if there is so much hw tt even if we finished majority of our hw on a particular dae....we stil have so much more...............haizzzzzz..........when will it end?! 3 mths.......are just too long. haiz........ |