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What fish?
I am fish. Full name Fish Turtle. I absolutely adore turtles. And fish Turtles are such cute little things! Well, only baby turtles.
The meatpie fish! What meatpie fish?
Fellow fish.
Audrey Bao Qi Cheng Yin Ci Fang Dorothy Jean Jeannette Joanne Kaiying Khar Loo Li Ting Maureen May Qing Yun Renee Rou Hui Shi Wen Valerie Wilson Ying Xieng Yip Yong Zhi Zijia
May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Eureka-the class i will always be proud of
suddenly while i was bathing juz now...i had a sudden tot to dedicate an entry for eureka. =) hehehehe....
What i generally miss =D Noise must come first of coz. hahahahaha! whats four E without some noise?! =))) hehehehe~~~~ i miss e background noise with everyone toking at the same time together wif the teacher =DD it was REALI irritating...esp when u are trying to complete assignments, esp SEATWORK..bt i will go to tt ltr......bt then~~~ OUR NOISE IS OUR MUSIC! I miss all our teachers....song,TLC,ms oh,ms heng,mok,rahim,kang!!!!did i missed out anione?? haha......song would give us SEATWORK ....which was maths on the spot work. -_-''''' generally slacking time except for a few of us....dying to complete n hand in first....also his 'FOUR E!' when he finally couldnt take it. ha. so nice of him to invite us to his wedding n house...chloe. his second child is wad gender ar?! i miss mr tan's random ghost stories, n he would always turn off e light...hahahaha! bt we made him real angry till he walked out of e class...=( not a gd memory, bt shows he's one of our best teachers! ms oh was erm...experiencing quite alot of moodswings and stress wif us...bt stil a gd physics teacher to us....willing to give saturday class n consultation~~heard she gt bf now~~hheeee.... ms heng taught us onli one year(some of us for 3 years), bt then class was fun and we always make fun of her! bt yar.......ms heng was nice =) tink she now at anderson rite?? mok. awwww~~~~sacastic mok. who can forget him. always making us type out our essays so tt his eyesight wont spoil. ha! wah sae!!! tink everyone agree tt e most memorable episode wif him was when everyone wanted to run from his lesson! wah~~~~first n i tink last time i would hear an english teacher scream BLOODY HELL! for everyone including raja in e opposite block! *grins heard from 4H they gt a shock...hahaha! bt mok was undeniably gd. =D rahim. keeps breaking voice!!!!!!!!! =) hahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!! so funny!!!!!!!!! rmb his bob the builder pencil box?! omg. firts time a grown man take ob e builder pencil box to school! kang. our mother!!!!!!! loving n always patient wif us.......nvr losing her temper...........at most keep quiet n wait for us. one time nearly lost it though. geog was made fun by her! =DDDD i dun noe if i miss out anione.. probably chinese la...bt then gt 2..xiao li zi....n ......forgt her name. ha.xiao li zi was gd....boisterous n always whacking her students on the back =) ha. painful i tell u. being togther was real family time. even if everyone stil gt certain cliques...bt then........we stil love each other n anione from ani clique can get together n just sit down n tok!!!!!!!! =) reali lurve those days!!!! special dedication to everyone: *not in ani particular order........juz whoever i tink of first~~ 1.Maureen:GT MISS YOU!!!!!!! hiaks! the class 24 xiao. =)))))))))))))))) veri long nvr see her liao......sniff~~~~~~must go out after As!!!! <3 2.Tay cheng yin:haiz. dun worry peeps. she's stil as childish as ever....stil wa wa face!!! =D oh~~nid to go running liao =/ 3.Rou:tink e biggest baby in class. ha. cheerful n our nurse. currently studying nursing. =) 4.Fang:involved wif her baby.ha.......miss our mugging sessions at Rm 5.Pris:haiz. so paiseh to her...always ps her last min...always sae wan go shopping, bt then sae so long...from last year til now stil onli one session.... 6.Yanlin:DIAM LA!! QI LI!!!!!!! hahaha!!!! your voice horx...stil ringing in my ears after so long! 7.Huixian aka xiao bai:haiyo~~~~tuition wif u sia....stil dun noe how i ended up wif u. hahahahhahaa!!!!! =p 8.Ying Xieng:4e superstar! lets go K-Box someday! =) 9.Yee yan:haiz! stil as childish i bet! although veri long nvr tok to u or see u le...miss me rite?!?!!?! bleax! 10.Melody:our huang shang~~~always dun rmb me as ba gege. sniff. no place in her palace. sniff. hehehe...must go out soon wif mau oso!!!! =) 11.Kenneth:my crapping n lobstering partner. chionging maths was real fun n gd....everydae laugh til stomach ache de....fun n carefree laughter..so long le ~~~~ 12.Rivian:my sister. haha. stop saying i gt affair wif him la.......haiyo.......n e guys beta stop bullying him ar!! =) 13.Lionel:XIAO DI! i miss gg to yr hse!!!! gg online...eating chocolates...revising A maths...bt generally doing nth much...hahaha! been a long while since everyone in the group gather together~~~ 14.Xiang yu:wah...top student ar?! haha...sci pro la.......rmb u as lamer n always choinging maple wif yew hong after sch. haiyo! hope u doing well! =) 15.Yew Hong:u ar...sit beside you......when kwang wei nt ard la......hahaha...dun noe to describe la.....kena caught by u one time wif chen long..haha...so suay! =p 16.Wilson:hello~~stil as skinny as always huh....pls STOP SMOKING!!!!!!!!!! >/ 17.Shi Wen:hahaha. wads so memorable? PIZZA HUT!!!!!! 18.Weiyan:wah.......eng oso powderful de......=) hahaha......like playing merry go round...take turns ar~~~ =D 19.Lilin:hello!!!! pls advise yr frien to stop smoking ar.......smack his hand! 20.Michael:nvr reali tok to u ar....always disappear dunnoe where de.haha.bt hope u n jiaqi stil happy together! =) 21.Zhi Peng:hey~~~~will always treasure e test-tube u gave me for being my Valentine!! u better have still rmb it! although it was late!!! =P 22.Qiwen:i noe i noe...muz go BBQ soon~~if nt eureka diasppear liao.. 23.Kwang wei:Partner forever. what mroe can i sae. hahaha!!! 24.Nizar:nth to sae to u SIA. haha. hanahana. handsome la handsome la. -_-'' 25.Qingyun:unforgettable n loud HAHA. wah lau. laugh like pronouncing words de sia! hahahahaha! 26.Xue'er:sexy n slim. i dun wan tok to u liao la! =)))))) bt i love yr hair....e one u cut like time at the BBQ......tink i said it look like stingray. DAMN COOL. 27.Jie Hao:call u jiao better la...sounds so strange.....n pls stop calling me wang tistis! thanks ar! 28.Sze Yee:e onli white rival i have...bt then i lose la....yr sirname oso BAI sia! hahaha! jiayou for As.....dun see u so much animore~~ 29.Poh Boon:i am nt lao wang okay! wah lau...everytime see me oso lao wang de...haiz......=) thanks for yr panda though! =) 30.Han Wei:wah lau...suay lae~~~~known u since p6. haiz........at least nt calling me bear bear liao! humph! 31.Izzat:BOMBAD! hahaha~~tt is all i noe of u..ha. =) 32.Eileen Goh:haiyo....loud n noisy! stil nt yet change! tsk tsk! =) being wif jason made u more feminine though! heeeeeeeee!!!!!!! dun whack me ar! 33.Kailing:Vice-chairman. hahaha......short bt generally effective....must organise BBQ ar!!!!!! no slacking! =) 34.Lam:hey..hope u doing okay gal! =) cheers n stay sweet n pretty~~~~ =D 35.Ethel:wah lau~~last time saw u on bus wif bombad ar! haiya! dating ar?! 36.Hansen:always sleeping! haiz. haha. bt yr tiger hair looks cool~~ 37.Nurul:hello. u stil owe me class fotos!!!!!! i NID THEM!!! =)))) next time ar! 38.Jacyln:hello........where have u been??? AWOL? 39.Si Bei:hello! remain sweet always! 40.Yong Cheng:YC! i stil dun noe why they call u assassin. ha! 41.Bazhang:nvr tok to u de lae.....=/ 42. Zimin:oso nvr tok much lae...bt then if u stil interested in my xiao di...=) know what? i counted everyone...bt nvr count myself....til mau tell me. wah lau! STUPID! bt bottom line~~~i miss EUREKA! =DDD |