i need to calm down and stop for a while to think about the persistent anxiety in my heart. it aint doing no good for my poor heart. if this goes on, i'm gg to give out in a short time. too short. i haven gone travelling yet. i haven take all the airplanes until i want to puke. most imptly, it aint good for my frame of mind.
i noe my gpa gonna free fall after this sem. what can i do? stop. breathe. think. how impt is this? if teaching cannot be a good career, either i find new source of income and continue to teach, or i change track totally. changing track is not scary. i've changed all my answers to fit a question before. i've discarded entire preparations to do impromptu style before. i've even not answered an entire essay and manage to survive not too badly.
one mod is not gg to kill me. it might kill the overworn fingertips of my gpa which is hanging on the cliff, but it wouldnt kill me. there has to be a way out of this.
i'm gg to make it work.
but first, i nid to stop this attack on my heart.
so now, read and reread the post until i believe it. before tml comes n my heart gives out altogether.