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What fish?
I am fish. Full name Fish Turtle. I absolutely adore turtles. And fish Turtles are such cute little things! Well, only baby turtles.
The meatpie fish! What meatpie fish?
Fellow fish.
Audrey Bao Qi Cheng Yin Ci Fang Dorothy Jean Jeannette Joanne Kaiying Khar Loo Li Ting Maureen May Qing Yun Renee Rou Hui Shi Wen Valerie Wilson Ying Xieng Yip Yong Zhi Zijia
May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
1.Kimchi in my heart 2.Sorry <br> 1.Kimchi in my heart. sounds weird huhs.... nt at all..haha.....haiz....me tried running wif sirta after econs todae.......AND after so many daes of inactivity...=/ wow....e last time i ran was e last pe lesson i had b4 block test....walamak.....tt was reali long ago la! =/ haha.....wad made it worse was tt i ate kimchi cup noodles for bfast in e canteen....so when i ran afterwards..i felt like either burping or vomitting kimchi!!! /(@-@)\ haiyo....so gross...hahaha.... 2.Sorry. hey...me noe i haven particularly sensitive to u k.....i dun mean it.......mayb sometimes i lacked e tact to lower my voice....i do,n willingly,admit i have low EQ..=( i wanna make a sincere apology here and hope u r reading my blog...=(
Monday, March 26, 2007
My dae todae.
hehehe....feel so lazy to blog.......hmm......todae seemed to be quite a significant dae..haha...
First... i wanna thankie mel...whom i din noe is reading my blog tt dae....felt so touched when she asked me to tc after reading e geo entry...dun wori...dat was extreme emo on my part....n geo will nvr make me lose my beauty sleep!!! =) Nxt up:joanne aka sirta!!! haha....eternally grateful to you!!!! muacks!!! saved me from a horrible-than-hell fate! hahahaha......wun reveal any names...juz in case of accidental readers...bt yea...all i can sae is she saved me from MOVING into a position tt would have made me fainted. Literally. hehe!!! =)p Then:here comes e part tt would have you rolling on e floor wif laughter. No i am not toking abt how joanne pushed the glass door instead of pull, making tt bang again....muahahaha!!! unfortuantely...me toking about a certain incident about e male toilet. haiz. so embarrassing. haiz. u noe how e female toilet r always crowded and me n joanne would cheat by gg into the male toilet?? haiz....tis time...i was e one hu knocked on the door and ..... haiz. gt tis indian guy hu was behind me...haiz.....i was so embarrassed. Man. when i walked back into the room, i announced: Wo bu xi huan yin du ren. muahaha.... speaking about tis.... todae gp lecture included a section on how a Malay couple jumped queue and made a casued a lil boi to die as a result. i tink it wasnt wrong to be prejudiced about Malays. we all have opinions....and be it whether we dun like them or wad.... it is our opinions. preventing us from speaking wont turn us into other ppl whom we arent. haiz. NOTE TO THE HIGHER AUTHORITIES: I AM NOT ARGUING ABOUT HOW RASCISM IS NOT WRONG. JUZ HOW OPPRESSING US WUN MAKE US CHANGE OUR OPINIONS. hehe......now i feel so relac.....looking forward to totalling up my geo results. haha....valerie made a stupid bet wif me. hehe.... =))))))
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Its over!
Block test is officially over!!!! WOAH!!!!! DECLARATION: We are so gonna play our butts off!!!!! WHEE!! anw...lit was okay la...like e prose and poem...esp prose....bt...as usual Othello is damn screwed.... another episode of repeat history cuming up! =) hahaha...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Brown for Shit Black for Despondency
todae was geog paper.
haiz. i dun believe tis. i worked so bloody hard during the hols...sacrificing alot of playtime and onli went out once. for a short dinner. [i noe it's wrong to suspect pgeo....bt i have a sneaky suspicion tt when i fell sick at the start of the hols...it was becoz i shut myself up in the hot and stuffy study room when e weather was raging storm outside.....and tis' a result of the contrast of the hot and cold.] i even forgo alot of other subjects...esp. econs...juz to get those notes done and those facts in. ... bt todae.....when i sat down in front of the paper... i blanked out. i COULD NOT do any of the qn @ all. not the essays..not e DRQs. I knit the threads of blood You spun the cloth of mockery. i juz felt like crying in front of the paper and juz walk out. you have no idea how much i swallowed and how hard i pushed myself to do the paper. after e whole paper....i mustered a great deal of will and courage....juz to stop myself from breaking down rite in the MPR. i promised myself i wouldnt cry...i promised myself i can cry all i wan when i get home. i noe it wouldnt reflect well of myself if i cry....so i bore wif it....strength was my motto during those moments... I watched with pain in my heart You strike and torture with great mastery. i dun understand. i worked hard dint i? i made sure i understood things....know of the formations and features...everything.... til i felt a glimmer of hope...a flash of miracle...tt mayb i could pass geo tis time... bt when i finally sat down....i realise....i had nothing for the paper. i dun understand. why isit tt e ans juz evade me???? i tried so hard to study....spent waking hours from morn to midnite am..... bt i stil gt tis kind of shitty results. i dun understand. I thought i had everything covered an extra mile i thought i could see a miralce a difference You flew past and hovered over me with an eerie smile You forced unto me a whole new experience.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
i am dreaming of the hor fun i ate wif valerie on e dae we had our hair-cuts at far east.
sirta! it's all yr fault!!! y did u mention it to me dat dae!!!! =)p
Friday, March 16, 2007
i cant take it animore...
i muz come online and slack... bt then...i have been slacking for e past hr liao... oh no~~ shows how much geog can force a person to desperate means... =/ help? argh... pgeo reali sucks.... help! e weather hor.... suddenly hot and cold.... damnit la.... cant fall sick now lor...=( HELP?!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
geog worries
i am getting worried for pgeog...
haiz...... seems like no matter how much i prepare myself.... at the exam itself...i always go blank.... and its not like hgeog.. where i can crap if i really go blank..which is like almost always... haiz... now its even worse.. DRQs are my more successful sections..and now its gg to come out rocks and landFs.... Hydrology which i tink i understand abit beta than other topics...are cuming out for ESSAYS which are my archilles heel. wth la......haizzzzzz.......
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
李圣杰 你最近不说话 怎麽了为什麽 是不是有什麽事让你不快乐 听说你最近很孤单 有点乱有点慌 可是我却不能够在你的身旁 你想要的 我却不能够给你我全部 我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的 我们不适合也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭 你常解释这样的一切都只是开始 我觉得是所有的一切早就已结束 不想再约束 不要再痛苦 下一次会有更好的情路 爱我却不能给你我全部 我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的 我们不适合也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭 你常解释这样的一切都只是开始 我觉得是所有的一切早就已结束 不想再约束 不要再痛苦 下一次会有更好的情路 这一次我们都能很幸福 awwww..........tis song really tugs @ my heartstrings man~~~ and i am online again... UH-OH.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
oh no~~~~
its sun liao...gg to be end of it liao...oh no..... i haven even finish econs.....howwwwwwwwwww{lllllllllllllll} oh no.....cham liao la..... i stil have -econs to CONTINUE -geo to REVISE -lit to READ -maths to LEARN -gp to KNOW(bt i doubt i will go read la...hahax...) AND>> I am still online
Saturday, March 10, 2007
more of wu zun ^.^
![]() ![]() felt in the mood... so decided to post more fotos of wu zun!!!!!!! *SCREAMS bt the top 2 ones are fotos when he had longerhair... nt veri nice...hahaz... shows wad a haircut can do to a person... whee.....
okay okay..
i noe i have changed my blogskin for barely a few daes onli.. hehe... bt i din like tt skin la... too plain.... though i like plain stuff... it was abit... too ugly for my liking.....pardon me...hehe.... so tired...so feel lik slping... YAWNS......~~~~~~~~
Thursday, March 08, 2007
WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awwwwwwwwww.......
OMG!!!!!!!! WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() Wo0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o~~~~ feast yr eyes out gurls!!!! woohoo!!! i culdnt find ani refreshing fotos la... most of the fotos on the net is ppl copied and paste onto their own websites de.... wheeeeeeeeeehehehhehhee!!!!!!!! hahahahahaa......so happy-- i dun feel like doing work. muahahhaa... k la... tml i will do la... tonite rest la... >>sounds familiar.... hahaha.... =) cheers to wu zun......awwwwwwwww....... *todae is Day 21* -=-reaching spore in a few hrs-=-
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Thats when i love you
That’s When I Love You Asyln When u have to look away When u don’t have much to say That’s when I love u I love u just that way To hear u stumble when u speak Or see u walk with two left feet That’s when I love you I love u endlessly And when ur mad cause u lost the game Forget I’m waiting in the rain Baby I love u I love u anyway Cause here’s my promise made tonight U can count on me 4 life Cause that’s when I love u When nothing u do can change my mind The more I learn the more I love The more my heart can’t get enough That’s when I love u When I love u No matter what So when u turn to hide your eyes Cause the movie it made u cry That’s when I love u I love u A little more each time And when u cant quite match you clothes Or when u laugh at your own jokes that’s when I love u I love u More then u know And when u forgot that we had a date Or that look that u give when u show up late Baby I love u ,I love u anyway So here’s my promise made tonight U can count on me 4 life Cause that’s when I love u When nothing u do can change my mind The more I learn the more I love The more my heart cant get enough That’s when I love u When I love u No matter what Ohh that’s when I love u when nothing baby, nothing u do could change my mind The more I learn, the more I love, the more my heart can’t get enough That’s when I love u , when I love u no matter what Ohhhh no matter what Todae is day 20. z#z Tu me manques z#z hehex!!!! =)p
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
{4 bad things}
Econs test came out consumption...when we all onli studied multiplier effect..oh no.... Two: Geo retest...i studied damn bloody hard for it....everyone noes...god noes....and juz becoz i wrote a bit slower...i culdnt finish writing for inselbergs and castle koppies. FCUK. and i forgot wads etchplains definition.FCUK. someone tel me how to pass this test. FUCK. Three: after the geo lecture...i heard my name. mrs koh called my name and my name was right on top of her list. i tot i heard wrongly....then she repeated the list and again my name was called first.oh man!!! wth happened. i went out of the ava and even mel asked me wad happened. =( imagine my anxiety. then ltr koh told me it was the hydrology tutorial 3 tt needs to be redone coz it was too brief. wth la. i bet she din flip over the page. i had tot it was one of the longest tutorial i had lae...bt then onli tutorial 3 needs to redone.wth la...i cant be bothered liao lor. i copied nearly wholesale down.....making minor changes by structuring everything into proper and long sentences. dun care. it looked longer anw....and besides...the short short ans in front was given by her own self during tutorial lor. wth. Four: while discussing with ah khar about geo and the bad luck i seemed to be having todae on the wae to YMCA forthe briefing, guess wad?! i kicked against the gap between the metal in the drain and nearly fell down. OH NO!!!!!! ah khar nearly died of laughter la!!!! hahax.....thanks ar ah khar!!! =)P haiz....wo de tian ar... bt i shall remain positive!!!! grrrrr...... tml will bea beta dae... for the chinese saying goes: da nan bu si, bi you hou fu. hehehex..... so guys! keep yr fingers crossed and hope tt i will have beta luck tml!!!! =) (*Note: act i tink i stil can be so positive is coz i finished all the tests for tis wk liao!!!! =))) pray no more bombshells.....haiyo.....) hehex........esp since tml might have H.Geo test back...haiz.....pray pray.... muz go pray to Te Gong liao.... cum to tink of it, maybe coz tis year i nvr go pray to Te Gong, dats y i keep having bad luck. =/ =) todae is Day 19. ^here missing you^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Friday, March 02, 2007
juz some random(not so random) tots abt life....
if u like, u may cpoy and paste and then change the font...i dun mind..... juz noe tt tis post is abit.....strange for me.....n for many others out there whu might disagree.... i tink life is so depressing and scary...... everything seems to be driven by force... Money. Qn.why are we studying so hard for? Ans.so tt we can get a good job and earn big bucks. Qn.why are we slogging so hard for? Ans.so tt we can have more $$. ppl are driven by $$. it's so strange. for money, everyone wears a mask everywhere they go..... i dun noe lae.... i'd like to see things in black and white... i WANT to see things in black and white... i dun like psychology warfare...even though i would like to study it... i noe...many ppl want the money for a good cause.... believe it or not.....there are cases like tis... bt then...many of the times..... ppl juz juz driven by greed... haiz... i tink e person hu wrote 'bu xiang chang da'(S.H.E.) has e same sentiments as me. even though the song is about childhood lovers... i stil get tis sense tt...the writer was inspired by the tot tt the world is scary.... i tink it was selina.. haiz............ i dun noe how to continue la... haha...everytime i am away from my com and am inspired to write sth on my blog... i always end up forgetting wad i wanna blog when i sit down in front of the com...haha...bad memory la....cannt help de..hehe... okay.......ending tis post....quite lazy to blog too much...haha... todae is day 15... =missing thou= |