What fish?
I am fish. Full name Fish Turtle.
I absolutely adore turtles. And fish
Turtles are such cute little things!
Well, only baby turtles.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Faces VS Friends :)
my eyes are smarting now. haiz....bt i juz feel lyd writing in an entry. hahaha......2dae....i learnt yet another secret of my fren. it gets upsetting, when u hear tt so many of us are no longer innocent kids who balk @ holding hands wif e opp sex. u ll be surprised u noe,when u hear abt these tings. rite now, i juz feel lyd retreating back into my own world, one i had created long ago, where no one enters to spoil it all. i dun mind telling wads in it. its juz full of nice ppl. i dun care if ppl sae tt such life where everyone is nice to each other isa boring one. I DUN CARE. i dun wan ppl to be horrid to each other, and i am tired of ppl painting on faces and putting on faces. its reali hard to noe if someone is a fren or foe, hard to sense e knife coming @ u til it intrudes into yr system.(*Note to val n ah khar n jeannette: u 3 have certainly help to create this fantasy in reality for me though!!! :) Cheers!!!)i dun noe a word enuf to describe my sigh. bt i guess, a deep silent heartfelt sigh is getting somewad warmer..k la...nt lyd me to slip back into melancholy....stop here/////// hee....2dae i did e podcast wif val n jeannette [khar-ga-loo went to do pw... :( ]IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!hahahaha.....we 3 were laughing lyd shit thru e process la!!!! ahahahaha...stil feel lyd laughing whenever i tink of e 'fight' wif jeannette!!! hope she din edit too much of e 'fight'!!! if nt it wun b funny animore!!!! awww.....then towards e end...me val kena possessed by hungry ghosts*pardon ani brothers/sisters ard me!!! i dun mean ani offense!!!!in e end...we erm...speedily wrap up e production. poor jeannette was rushed...hahaha....then i had tom yum yu pian mee fen!!!!greedy lae...... -_-"hahaha....k la...my eyes are smaller since e past hr ago.~~-------------~~~------------~~~-----~~~~----~nite to me...n anione stil awake...which is alot...according to my online list!!!