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What fish?
I am fish. Full name Fish Turtle. I absolutely adore turtles. And fish Turtles are such cute little things! Well, only baby turtles.
The meatpie fish! What meatpie fish?
Fellow fish.
Audrey Bao Qi Cheng Yin Ci Fang Dorothy Jean Jeannette Joanne Kaiying Khar Loo Li Ting Maureen May Qing Yun Renee Rou Hui Shi Wen Valerie Wilson Ying Xieng Yip Yong Zhi Zijia
May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
i FELL in love with ah khar =) literally
haha...so obvoiusly tis post is about ah khar lorx...haiyo...
hahahaha... i guess i wun b blogging about wad happened in detailed details...perhaps onli details. hehehehehehehe!!!!!! first... in the morning... me and valerie woke up @ 0545 just to arrive in sch early to prepare la! tian ar.... nearly culdnt wake up.. coz ytd was @ ymca for quite long lor... hahahaha... then u noe wad.. in my excitement... haiz... when i was @ e amblazon...sth likdat la...cannt spell..hahaha.. i kicked against one step and b4 my brain had time to register e fall... my knees nerves oleadi told me wad happened..hahahha... ouch man~~~it hurts til now...=/ nvm. ah khar...we love you.=/ hahahaha.. yea lor.... then in my fall ... i took valerie fone for a lil cement-skating.. it produced quite gd results..considering it was its first skating. its skidded across e floor... sorry val~!!!!! we love ah khar rite>???? woo... haha... we learnt tt mr kwek is nt a gd bluffer.. haha.. he walked to ah khar to threaten her: oh, so u r ah khar? oh i heard alot of things about you. i want to see u after tis. somebody complained about you. it would be all well and fine...if he was not holding e box in front of him la! wah lau! haha... mr nathan was good though. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! his hands were so long tt when he tapped ah khar on her rite shoulder, ah khar turned to her rite side. faint. ah khar! nathan on yr left la!! ahahaha.. her face... was so...picturesque!!!! she went'haiyo!!!' everyone just couldnt take it. e laughter ar.... man~~~ i tink e whole lt stunned!!!! hahahha!!!!!!!1 *or was it onli mine?! =/ ahahaha.. k la...whoever wants to noe about tis entertaining dae.. go to ah khar'sblog! haha...she is listed as khar loo though. dun neo why i call her khar loo. everyone:her name is ah khar. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Saturday, January 27, 2007
e post which intro and body dun link! =)
The Gift Of Friends
by Karin Schaefer There are days when bubbling from us comes the innocent child within, who giggles at the little things and wears a silly grin. There are days when melancholy comes to visit for a while; the mind feels tired, the body weak; we have no strength to smile. There are days when joy abundant grabs a hold of you and me; wraps us up in all it's splendor, lifts us up and sets us free. There are days when sorrow wraps usin its cloak of grief and fear, 'till our hearts ache to the breaking, 'till our eyes can't shed a tear. There are days whenlove bestows us with its wonderment and light; with its beauty and its mystery, its power and its might. And there are days when life rewards us and seems to make amends by granting us a marvelous gift, the precious gift of Friends. Yes, i agree that friends are very important to us. =) so i treasure each and everyone of u out there!!! hehehehe!!!!!!! =)))))) they pei u thru all yr sadness... they pei u thru yr happiness... they pei u pei u thru everything... including>> SHOPPING!!!!!!!! =))))) hehehehe.... okie...e intro abit no link wif the body...bt then.... econs essay de intro oso no link wif its body de mahx! muahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! haha...tried on many clothes... bt then saw onli one tt i would buy... oooh... its a great top...bt then abit too big for me...haha... *finally....some clothes tt are too big! haha! nvm...e material abit hot sia...so i guess...big is okay la... val bought a mini skirt... oooh... its cute!!!! haha... i bet samuel would drool over her when she appears in her new sexy new mini! hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahha!!!!!!! *eh valerie! dun um choi ar! haha....ltr yr head swell ar! =) haiz...sirta! i am simply disappointed wif u! u tried on e most clothings de la! haiyo...in e end.... haiz...u go reflect bahx... nvm... u can repent next sun...if we r gg out again! hahaha... valerie ah khar and serene are welcome too =)))))) e more e merrier! hehe... eh! ah khar beta show up tis time ar! =) hehex... okie la.... am tired from all e flyers distribution liao... haiz... mr mao! u reali owe us one orhx!!! hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! i am sure no one would mind haagen again! =)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A weird dae. But in a good wae! =)
ytd was a nice dae!! =)
haha...wun be gg into the details... bt all i can sae.. its was a totally puzzling and chocolatey and singing dae! =) muahahaha!!!!!! =DDDDDDDDDDD
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
My impromtu emo blog..
me wanted to go off liao..
coz of the tv!!! hehe... bt then decided to blog this first b4 i go... hhaha.. one of my frens is gg thru some relationship problems... i dun exactly noe wad r e details.... bt i noe she's been having some tough times..... (from all e random msges..haha...u noe hu u r! =) ) ...feeling hurt n unsure.... hmmm... juz wanna let u noe... that sometimes..u haveta be practical.... reali...u haveta be strong and (how to sae...) just control yr desires (NO suggestive feelings.) yea lor....be pessimistic.... think of the negative sides..... dun alwaes just giv in to yr weakness and just keep giving in... HOWEVER... with this in mind... i should tel u.... u should NEVER let the flame of hope in yr heart give up lor... hope reali keeps u alive... it's like... u can be depressed and everything... have all e negative feeelings...everything... bt then...... when u have hope...when u hope... u wun neccessarily feel happy... bt... i dun noe... for me... i feel Peace. maybe being over-sad can leads to hope. coz...after all...one can only take so much of sadness.. i may have depression on my own.. bt then... when u get down to it... whats life without something to trouble over?? haha...abit cock la..i noe... bt...juz wanna let U noe... u noe...what i been thru and AM gg thru... (INSERT: Be kind, for someone else is fighting a tougher battle...okie...abit random...haha...) a gd combination of depression and hope can balance out de... dun worry... sth we may feel like giving up and just...let everything go and just rot.... true...i tink somethings are not worth holding onto... bt then... there ARE things in this world...which we need...now or in the future... (i learn this lesson myself. =]]]]] ) if u made a wrong choice...nvm... other things will come along...losses are things we can gain back from other factors de. if u make a rite choice....then gd la...haha...i wish u all the best... and if u feel like toking again.... msg me... or we can go out to slack. =) cheers to u and others in the world having problems. *basically everyone la...hahahaha! OKIEOKIE!!!! my 'qing chu yu lan' and 'ying huo cong de meng' olmost half wae gone liao!!! jiayou gals!! =)
Warning: Offensive!
If u can take vulgarities...dun read this blog.
i am sorry tt my first post after so long is likdat. =( bt i gotta rant. so for the benefit of those hu cant take the vulgarities,i have changed the font lor...so u wun read anitink u dun lik. those hu dun mind...haha...u MAY copy n paste them. bt juz rmb tt i reali injected my sentences wif.....hmm...haha....=/ F*** GEO! haiz. nt tt i nvr F***ing study. I did FU**ing try. (even though i was distracted by the tv...haa..) haiz....WTF. i tink i juz cannot F***ing do geo la. H.geo is stil okay. stil scoring okay...(nt gd bt okay.) bt cum tis F***ing physical geo..... i juz cannt focus.F*** haiz. AR**hole! AARGGGHHHH..... F***F***F***F***F***F***F***F***F***F*** first F***ing qn oleadi stuck..see e second qn i panic. F*** i totally forgot the damn definitions la! we what are tors. F***. what are castle koppies. F***. what are inselbergs. F***. what are etchplains. F***. what are ruwares. F***. haiz. i dun noe wad i gg to do for A lvls if i have to struggle likdat for one F***ing test. F***. haiz. what the hell la.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
The end. Full stop.
wah piang eh..... blogger so slow then load... haiz...sian~~~
last dae of holidae liao!!! i dun wanna go back to sch!!!! nxt year after A lvls.....haiz....i wun have ani more holidae lor.... haiz....sian~~~ coz havta go find workkk...haiz...bt then....haiyo....dun wan work in e service sector liao...haha....scared of servicing liao...hahaz....sorry to disappoint you.... bt then...definitely will go to moe ask for relief teacher work...hehex...have a taste wad teaching is like....hmm.....hu noes....maybe will find out whether i reali can go bcum teacher worx!!! hehehehehex....=)p *wooooo....that would reali be great...if i can pass thru e interview...dat's...hahax....sirta!!!! muz go e interview wif me lae!!!!! =))) promise me liao!!! lets go find a sch together!! hehex...=) haiz...sound so excited.... later cant pass A lvls cant go uni jiu cham liao~~~~sian.....then havta start all over @ poly....haiz....nvm la...then go mass com...heee..... i wonder if they accept O lvls grades...haha...my gp sure cannt make it de..=/ haiz..... last few hrs liao....haiz....soon....i will be down @ e bustop...waiting for e irritating 136 which wun cum when i waiting for it and cums onli when i dun care for it. thanx sbs. thanks alot. i dun care. i wanna grouch. tml everything ends. sian. prison time starts, mates. =/
Monday, January 01, 2007
haiz.....sch starting liao....everything is not done.. i stil haven gt new shoes...i stil haven finish gp...i stil haven haven gt new stationery...i stil haven................
sighs. 2 mths...is after all, onli 2 mths....haiz......holidaes nvr seem enuf....sian.....todae is mondae le...wed is my official prison sentence. one year. haiz. oh well...@ least i have gd prison mates. =) happy new year everyone. tis my first blog for 2007. doesnt sound promising. =/ I am GREEDY for more hols. |