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What fish?
I am fish. Full name Fish Turtle. I absolutely adore turtles. And fish Turtles are such cute little things! Well, only baby turtles.
The meatpie fish! What meatpie fish?
Fellow fish.
Audrey Bao Qi Cheng Yin Ci Fang Dorothy Jean Jeannette Joanne Kaiying Khar Loo Li Ting Maureen May Qing Yun Renee Rou Hui Shi Wen Valerie Wilson Ying Xieng Yip Yong Zhi Zijia
May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 April 2012 July 2012 August 2012 September 2012
Thursday, June 29, 2006
2dae is a relaxing dae for me...
although tml STIL gt lit paper... haiz.. went to RM LJS to study(?)lit wif cifang... ha... i guess 2dae is e best productive study session we had so far... coz we din spend TOO much time crapping... instead...we were gd gals n read our text... she read chinese lit n i read eng lit...ha...yea rite. u believe? i was stoning lyd more than half e time man! then when i gt hme... i suddenly tot tt these daes... i seem imprisoned... no freedom... then i muse... we are trapped in our mummy's womb b4 we r born... we r trapped in our bodies after birth... by e stress building up n life itself... yea...tink exams n u noe wad i mean. even after death... our bodies are trapped in coffins... and e deep dank underground soil.. n wadeva is waiting for us in...afterlife... i so prefer the word hell. Face It. WE SO DUN HAVE A LIFE OF OUR OWN ANYMORE. NO CONTROL, NO POWER. SOMEONE CARE TO CHALLENGE ME? MAKE ME FEEL BETTER?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
had juz wanted to tag a few ppl then go offline de... then realise i haven been updating... midyrs are no excuse... ;( god noes i haven been revising as much as i shld have... its juz i am being lazy... nth else... *wince (horribly) nth to blog abt... juz tt midyrs are starting... started act... gp paper over oleadi... n i am stressed... coz i haven been studying... reading Harry Potter and Archies... mayb i ll regret soon... when i get back e papers... bt dats lyd a good long wae to go... esp gp compre papers... sharma wun give us back so soon de lar... she stil owe us our prev. compre!! *strike up sad gloomy funeral song i hope tis is a major source of comfort for val ah khar n others in my gp class... sori sista...sharma nt teaching u... i dun tink u feel comforted... ;( bt nvm...i believe u ll do v. well!!! :) hee...i better get back to studying... haiz... as i told val on her tagboard... ECONS DUN NOE ME.. I DUN NOE ECONS.. WE ARE STRANGERS... and now i add on... RED MARKS FOR ECONS KNOW ME.. I KNOW RED MARKS FOR ECONS.. WE ARE NOT FRIENDS... IT IS PREDATOR.. WHILE I AM PREY.. I CANT RUN NOR ESCAPE... OH NO!!! ;(
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Lazy..nth to blog lar... these daes seem too xiao liao... mugging for the past 3?... daes... admit is my own fault... hehehe... slacking the whole hols.. then woke up a few daes ago wif sudden panic... coz i haven started revising!!! OH NO!!! now i tink no hope liao lar... so might as well cum online to slack... ??lydat oso can?! play games... watch videos... promise myself that if i can finish maths holidae hw... and mayhap start abit of lit?... then i ll go out watch movie tml! i am almost done lar... i tink... bt functions i dun noe lor... so skipped all of them! YEAH!!! die...stil can so hapi! oh yeah...my feet getting better lol... bt then hav to put a plaster on my second toe... to cover up e ugly red skin... which resulted from my itchy fingers which went to cut up e poor skin n result in internal bleeding... haiz...when will it heal?? otherwise... i tink i b hitting the books lyd a gd gal lyd e rest... bt haiz... the chinese have a saeing: The heart wish BUT the strength falters. in my case though, is: The heart falters THUS the strength falters. Haiz.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Aiyo... too long nvr blog liao... olmost 4gt i had a blog.. HAVE a blog... see?! hmm... there's nth to blog abt lor... coz i hav been doin nth!!! OH NO!!! n mid-yrs are round the corner!!! i've been reading archies n harry potter... hee... lets hope they can help me pass... **wishful wishful.. yea... i've been to the polyclinic to get medicine lor... cream lar...actually.. anti-fungal cream for my feet... tink there's improvement lor... a little lar... SOME spots getting smaller lor... i hope they VANISH asap... reali irritating sia!!! bt i dun tink i can wear sports shoes to sch liao... *sniff sniff then i cant play touch rug!!!! DAMN!!! i dun tink Ms Audrey wuld let me play if she sees my feet anw... sigh. no mood to sing... guys...u have to entertain yrselves... boohoo! **HUMPH!!dun let me catch you heaving a sigh of relief arh!!!hehe...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Not for the faint-hearted...u've been given fair warning!
so weird...
y is there little irritating spots on my feet?? wad e hell is dat??? haiz... @ first i tot is some kind of hard, dead skin... so i used a scissors to cut away the skin.. it started bleeding internally... ouch!Pain... mon i shld go c a doctor... get some kind of medicine for it or wad... and pray it recovers soon... haiz.. then it made me wonder... picture this as clearly as you can: if i am rotten in the physical flesh... lying in the hospital bed, wild tangled unkempt hair, sunken hollow eyes, unrecognizable, face contorted,composed by bacteria, cracked lips, flecked with blood, a skinny pile of bones, hands barely existent if not for the hard rough calluses, swollen useless legs caused by water retention, feet blackened by dead cells, like those u see on tv, weird little sores growing happily in multiples, and the doctors are pending a decision to amputate them... yet my brain is still functioning @ normal rate, stil lucid clear aware of wads going on stil able to carry on a normal conversation.... stil the same crazy girl hu lyds to sing nonsensical non-existent words... ... wuld anione still dare to come near me? wuld everyone be repelled and retreat? wuld anione come take my hand to reassure me? ...and... Would he still like me? most wuld give me politically correct answers.. yes i ll still come near you.. no i wun be repelled or retreat... yes i ll come take your hand and walk down the next 60 years of your life... ... but if this really happens... what REALLY will happen? i guess i may know in the future.. i guess i may not know the ans in this lifetime... no one does... til it happens... what wun i give... to be able to see the reactions in the heart of Hormo Sapiens *X-men..haha...trying to put a lighter tone here... to reduce depressive feelings... hmm...maybe we shld think abt this qn seriously before giving the ans of our mind.. and check the ans in our hearts...
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
i juz reach hme n discovered the toilet in use by my mum... -_-'' so now i am stil in my outside clothes... blogging... coz my bro dun wan to play liao... SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! tml buy 4D i went to the national lib... its my first visit there... i tel u ... the NL is big n beautiful... wif roof garden n 13 stories... *coz the topmost floorS are for authorised personnel only... UNFORTUNATELY it so happens tt directories were few n far b/tween... n there is very little spaces for self-study... if any they are full of ppl.. so u c.. the saying "pleasing to the eye.. bt useless to the mind" holds. haiyo... bt it was cooling lar... wow...the aircon... best to go there if u r in nid of cooling down... hahaha... later i went to buy a box of Dove choc for my elder bro... as he had a birthdae. HAD. i owe him e present 4 daes ago.. hahaha...great sis sia! otherwise... i hav nth else to sae... save for the fact: i hav nt done ani hw or revision. GOD spare me.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
juz now forgt to add in my comments on the effects... hehe.. nt bad on e overall lar... the best parts come on when the X-men are using their powers... WOW!!!! **jawdrop damn COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!! bt i kept wanting to laugh when poor Storm kept spinning and that B**** kept stopping her by running into her path... bt tt means the effects cant go on screen completely.. which is definitely a MINUS!.... ...serves her right when she finally gt electrocuted by Storm... who was rightdown stunning *PHEWEE!!! when she served up her lightning bolts.. ATA GAL!!! :) in fact, the effects were so good... i culd onli spot one glich.. :$ it appeared onli for a short while lar... when the bridge i tink is the Sans Francisco Bridge... i dun noe! i failed phy.geo mind you! collapsed... for a while it let on tt it was a computer animation.. as we culd practically c the pixels le... bt to giv the producers credit.. i've decided to blame it on theater screen... hehe... muz b the computer lagged... so culdnt show the proper effects... properly... haha!
u noe wad.. i juz spent e past one hr blogging.. unfortunately... i had to accidentally click spellcheck -_-''''' the whole web hanged. yes. IT HANGED!!!!! wad e hell??? i now damn no mood to blog again lar! haiz... nvm... i shall try again. haiz... i watched X-men. it was damn cool. haiz....i nid sum time to recover my spirits lar... I WATCHED X-MEN!!!!!! ENVY ME!!! those hu haven watched anw... IT WAS DAMN COOL LAR!!!! hahaha!! i bet u... sure will have X-men 4 de lor! nt tt i am complaining!!! coz i am sure the battle b/tween CHARLES a.k.a. Prof Xavier *WOOHOO!!!!! *CATCALLS!!! *PHEWWEE!!! AND magneto oh well. has not yet ended. one moved e chess piece.. AND E OTHER SAID HELLO!!!! my heart leaped. Conclusion:the cure is crap. Bad news for e gal with a thick white streak in her hair. whatshername anw?? Brooke? Storm *WOOHOO!!! *CATCALLS!! *PHEWWEE!!! is a good character... wif a good heart... N enlightened abt the school!! bt she lyd nt reali e focus of the movie lae... sad... din reali get to c as much of her as i wuld lyd... *sniff sniff Wolferine!!!! *WOOHOO!!! *CATCALLS!! *PHEWWEE!! aww.. dun be sad... i am sure u will find yr own Jean Grey somedae... well...if not @ least u had a passionate kiss wif her once... Oops! naughty naughty!!! act... y did Jean had to die??? cant they find some way to control the PHOENIX in her? OR find some way to let these 2 personalities merge together??? haiz...stab in my heart... Speaking of which... wat happened to Scott??? he disappeared after a.. KISS??? wad e hell??? w/out even a trial or even a corpse to show for it?? wad r e producers thinking??? how culd they juz let him die lydat??? i haven seen enuf of his specs!!!! *wah!!!Boohoo!!!sniff sniff!!! Poor Iceman... had to kill his 'friend' bt he was dashing when he said "you shuldnt have left it." to tt fire guy.. Whatishisname??? show much he believe in the school! Cheers!!! Furball!!! u r so cute! bt poor thing...kena a wisecrack by Wolferine... hehe... hu else? Katie. her powers are so cool.. can go thru walls and grounds!!! has a brain too... when she went thru a wall and sidetracked to fool Jargonaut then ran another way... haha...way to go gal! Angel has a forgiving heart.. he forgave his father and saved him from falling to his death.. and he is good too!! Little innocent Leech.. thank god for katie... if not he wuld hav died before he culd drain e bad guys' powers... bt he din get to play a major role in destroying anione lae... oh well..nxt time then.. I am damn looking forward to X-men 4... if any... producers...ya hearing me??? Gd...i olmost forgt abt my hanged blog. ALMOST! ya heard moi?? **i'd lyd to think i am being intimidating and threatening here... Hehe!!! btw...i edited my last blog... coz it did seem abit harsh when i cooled down... hmm... so i decided to use Strikeout so as to soften the effect of the words... did it work?? i dun noe... well, i tried.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
coz nth much happened mah... things veri peaceful ard here... so i went to read other' s blog and juz tag them or wad... here comes the REAL SHOCKER i was reading someone's blog... when i saw my name mentioned.. strange rite? in RED. huh?? wad hav i done to deserve such honorable mention?? then i read on... and realise she was blaming me for telling Mrs Koh tt she woke up late.. n she said tt i sabo her.. n asked me wads gg on in my mind.. WAD E HELL???? hello?! i finished my work on time ok?! so did others ok?! granted it wasnt a pretty sight... HOWEVER!!! i did try... even though it was a last min effort... DAMN! i think it's nt fair... when u sae i made u e scapegoat. i hav no reason to... and do u noe how EMBARRASSING it was for me to sae tt UUUU OVERSLEPT?? WAH LAU!!! it sounded LAME to my own ears when i told Mrs koh tt OKAY???!!!!! i noe u are tired wif DB... bt db is nt an excuse for u to be irresponsible lor! u dint finish yr work... yet u think u r e victim? n THANKS to u we gt extension??? yeah...all yr credit tt we GT EXTENSION N HAND IN OUR PRO LATE... YUP! N ITS ALLLLLLLLLLLL MY FAULT. I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS SCREW UP AND HANDING IN LATE. I SALUTE U FOR SAVING MY ASS AND THANK U FOR GETTING US THIS EXTENSION. I APOLOGISE FOR REPEATING YR LAME EXCUSE TO MRS KOH AND MAKING U E VICTIM N SCAPEGOAT. I FEEL SO ASHAMED OF MYSELF. REALI. I DO.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Dedication to the Weird Man in Bus No.88
u noe wad?! when i went home juz now... takingbus 88 wif valerie... a man boarded when she alighted... he seems ordinary n u wuld have walked past him... IF... he nvr open his mouth to sing!! yes! he opened his mouth to sing!!! wad e hell!!! he was singing some songs which made no sense de lor!!!! "money money...wad wuld i do if i had a little money?" ???????? then gt another song is abt parents love and children... i tink...nt too sure... wah lau! gt waken by this guy lar! then also gt sum blangla songs... which made even lesser sense than no sense!!! haha.. e whole bus laughing at him lor... covering their mouths... others were juz irritated... mayb coz it was too hot and the songs too weird... some guys then shouted at him in sum Tamil or blangla language... then he sang one more time e money money song... then he stopped... wad a weird trip!!! now i juz reached hme...haven even bath... then cum online to blog this... juz in case i forget to! better blog this when e memory still fresh in my head! HAHAHA!!!